Usage data

Since the very beginning at WP Desk (we are the company behind ShopMagic) we strive to provide the best solutions that are user-friendly and with features that you actually need. To create even better solutions and to eliminate the smallest mistakes, we need your help. By allowing to collect usage information of our plugins, you can help us in development. Below you will find information on how and what data we collect.

Important information

We do not collect any sensitive data. We do not collect or save any personal, financial or sensitive business data of both the store and its customers.

How we collect the data

Usage data is automatically sent to our servers only when you give us permission after activating the plugin. The data is completely anonymous.

What data we collect

  • global data collected by WooCommerce (details)
  • event types and count,
  • action types and count,
  • filter types and count,
  • placeholders count,
  • template types and count,
  • automations count,
  • ShopMagic add-ons you use.

How to opt-out?

If you want to stop sending usage data, you can do it at any time. In your WordPress dashboard, go to menu ShopMagic → Settings and disable the usage data setting.

Admin email

We only use the admin email for data identification. We do not use it for marketing purposes, and we do not process it in any other way.

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