Unsubscribe link is not working

If you added {{ customer.unsubscribe_url }} placeholder to your automation, and it's not redirecting the customer to the Communication Preferences webpage, there's a chance that this page could be accidentally deleted. Here's a quick guide on how you can resolve this issue:

  1. Go to your page listing in the WordPress dashboard and find the page you want to use for Communication preferences. If necessary create one.
  2. Get the ID of the page (you can find it by entering the editor and looking for ?post={ID} in the URL). Make sure the content of the page contains the shortcode [shopmagic_communication_preferences] :

  3. Log into your database management interface, for example, through phpMyAdmin.
  4. Search for option_name shopmagic_communication_account_page_id in the wp_options table .
  5. Update the value with the ID of the page you selected in step 2.

This solution is also applicable if you are adding a link to unsubscribe in the message footer.

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